Zehren and Associates, Inc. was retained by the Vail Valley Foundation and the Town of Vail to help update the Gerald R Ford Park Master Plan in 2011.  As part of this multi-phased project, Zehren developed a master plan for new improvements to the park that included new structures for public restrooms and concessions/picnic shelter at the upper bench, public restrooms and picnic shelter at the lower bench, a new bus stop, a new trash/recycling building at the upper bench, as well as landscaping and playground improvements at the lower bench.   The scope and budget evolved throughout the process as input from the Town and various user groups was implemented into the design.  Zehren was able to provide a design that met the budgets of the various project elements while continuing to meet the functional needs of each facility.

The Ford Park project focuses specifically on four distinct areas: the Ford Amphitheater, a new Betty Ford Gardens Education Center, paths and garden spaces throughout, and new improved access from all entry points. By looking at Ford Park in the same way we look at Central Park in New York, these new amenities and experiences will allow guests to have a comprehensive and cohesive visitor experience the park and the gardens, while being supported with world class park facilities.

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